[오답정리] Duolingo 문법 오답정리하기2/6/2024
우리 하와이 여행은 대박이었어!
Our Hawaii trip was amazing!
Our trip to Hawaii was amazing!
기다려, 나는 힐을 신고 있잖아!
Wait, I get on the heels!
Wait, I am wearing heels!
그 공원은 정말로 10마일 떨어져 있어?
Is the park really ten miles away?
너는 진짜로 그 힐을 신을꺼야?
Are you really going to wear the heels?
Are you really going to wear those heels?
get on : 타다
get off : 내리다
나는 이 정거장에서 버스를 타야해.
I need to get on the bus at this stop.
저 트램을 타자!
Let's get on that tram!
기다려, 아직 내리지마!
Wait, don't get off yet!
우리는 여기서 내려야해 그치?
We need to get off here, right?
우리는 반대쪽으로 갈 수 있어.
We can go to the oppisite.
We can go to the opposite side.
이 버스를 타자. 경기장은 7정거장 떨어져 있어.
Let's get on the bus, The stadium is seventh stop away.
Let's get on the bus. The stadium is seven stop away.
가자! 동물원은 여기서 3블록 떨어져 있어.
Let's go! The zoo is 3 blocks here away.
Let's go! The zoo is 3 blocks from here.
그 유명한 빵집이 10번가에 있어?
Is that famous bakery on Tenth Street?
네 사무실은 10번가에 있어, 그치?
Your office is on Tenth Street, right?
가장 가까운 주차장이 어디지?
Where is the nearest parking lot?
카페는 여기서 8블럭 거리야?
Is the cafe from 8 blacks here away?
Is the cafe eight blocks from here?
실례합니다. 다음 정거장은 뭐예요?
Excuse me, what is the next stop?
우리 트램을 탈거야?
Are we going to take the tram?