[오답정리] Duolingo 문법 오답정리하기2/7/2024
그는 무서운 소설도 썼어?
Did he write a scared novel?
Did he write scary novels too?
그들은 1940년대에 태어났어.
우리아빠는 1940년에 태어났어.
They were born in the nineteen forties.
My dad was born in nineteen forty.
톰은 1940년에 그 책을 썼어.
그는 1940년대에 책을 많이 썼어.
Tom wrote that book in nineteen forty.
He wrote many books in the nineteen forties.
그들은 개 두마리랑 우주로 갔어.
flew는 fly 의 과거동사
They flew space with two dogs.
They flew to space with two dogs.
그들은 달에 갔어?
Did they fly to the moon?
Did people fly to the moon?
Yes they did. 응 그들은 갔어.
우리 삼촌은 10년 전에 우주에 갔어. 그는 내년에 또 갈 거야.
My uncle flew space ten years ago. He is going to fly again next year.
My uncle flew to space ten years ago.
듀오랑 주니어는 우주비행사였기 때문에, 그들은 우주에 자주 갔어.
Duo and Junior were astronauts,
they flew space often.
so they flew to space often.
astronaut 우주비행사
우주 비행사들은 달에 갔어!
나도 달에 가고 싶어.
The astronauts flew to the moon.
I want to fly to the moon.
나는 우주에 집을 만들고 싶어.
I want to build a house in space.
그는 재능이 있는 예술가네.
He is a talented artist.
길을 물어봐 줄 수 있어?
Could you ask for directions?
왼쪽에 있는 저 고층 빌딩을 봐!
Look at that .....
Look at that skyscraper on the left!
인도에 앉지마!
Don't sit on the sidewalk!
그 지하철역은 8블록 떨어져 있어.
The subway station is eight blocks away.