[실전영어] ESL 영어공부 stay-at-home mom
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오늘도 ESL 영어공부 했어요.
주제는 Stay-at-home mom입니다.
오늘 배운 단어는
stay-at-home mom 가정주부
maternity leave 출산휴가
wage 임금
grateful 기분좋은, 고맙게 생각하는
daycare 탁아소
drop off 데려다주다
Sarah is on maternity leave for six months so she is a stay-at-home mom. She gets a half of wage from the company. She doesn't complain about the wage and she feels grateful from the company.
Sarah has two kids. She had to search for a good daycare center before the baby was born.
Sarah told John that it was very difficult to find a good daycare.
Furthermore, she said that usually, the mother works more than the father at home. Most of the mothers have to get the bag ready for the kids for daycare and they have to drop the kids off at the daycare.
Luckily, nowadays, her husband drops their children off at daycare and he picks them up and he does the laundry and the dishes. Sarah can join an extra event on the weekend.
John was very surprised about maternity leave and the daycare.
오늘 배운 영어 단어로 오늘 배웠던 스크립트를 정리했어요.
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영어공부가 쑥쑥 늘어난답니다.
오늘도 축복이 가득한 하루 보내세요~
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23