[실전영어] 엔구(Engoo) 전화영어 공부 World Language
안녕하세요. 오늘은 엔구(Engoo) 영어공부를 했어요.
오늘의 주제는 World Language 입니다.
전 세계에 언어가 약 1,000개가 넘는거 알고 있었나요?
Do you know there are more than 1,000 languages in the world?
헉... 저는 몰랐어요. 정말 흥미로운 사실이네요!
Oh, I didn't know about it. That is very fascinating!
수많은 언어 중에 한국어를 사용하고 있다는 것에도 감사하고!
영어를 사용하고 있다는 것에도 너무 감사해요.
오늘 배운 새로운 단어와 또 단어를 사용해 문장을 만들어봤어요.
fascinating 대단히 흥미로운
History is so fascinating!
Learning a new language is very fascinating.
This recipe is fascinating.
The Korean language is fascinating.
I found a fascinating place.
tribe 부족, 종족
They discovered new tribes.
There are many tribes in the jungle.
Each tribe has a different language.
I want to meet an Indian tribe.
The would be a new tribe.
national identity 민주 주체성
His national identity is important to him.
Our language is our national identity.
be about to do something 막~하려는 참이다.
It looks like it's about to rain.
she is about to be pretty.
They are about to have lunch.
This problem is about to improve.
My mom is about to come home.
I am about to go to coffee shop.
die out 멸종되다, 자취를 감추다.
Giant pandas are facing the threat of dying out.
Korean lions died out.
We have to protect so the animals don't die out.
That tribe will die out.
Some animals may die out.
population 인구
China has the largest population in the world.
The capital of the country has a large population.
Korean population will decrease day by day.
The adult population is declining.
The elderly population is increasing.
sounds about right (대충) 맞는 것 같네요.
A: You like American TV shows?
B: Sounds about right.
be bound to do 틀림없이(반드시) ~할 것이다.
Some languages are bound to be popular.
Government is bound to do.
I am bound to leave here.
I am bound to travel before I graduate from the university.
She is bound to be a teacher.
I am bound to be a backpacker
Our team is bound to win.
이번에 쬐금 어렵다고 생각했는데
열심히 작문하니까 괜찮더라구요.
여러분들도 오늘 배운 단어로 함께 영작하는 시간가져요!!
오늘도 축복이 가득한 하루 보내세요 ^ ^
엔구 전화영어 처음 가입할 때 5,000원 할인 받는 방법은?!
추천인에 kikisini7을 써주세요! 감사합니다^^
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23