[영어공부] 틀린 문장 바로 잡기
안녕하세요! 오늘 잘 지내고있나요?
오늘도 저는 열심히 영어공부를 합니다.
오늘은 틀린 단어를 활용해서 영어문장을 만들거에요.
complain about ~에 대해 불평하다
search for ~를 찾다.
여러분도 함께해주세요!
Ready? Start!
complain about ~에 대해 불평하다
I complain about my school.
She complains about her house.
I complained about the service.
I don't want to hear him complain about anything.
Please, don't complain about it.
The children complain about the teacher.
I complained about my room being small.
He has nothing to complain about.
I don't have to complain about the problem that I have.
She complains about the homework.
search for ~를 찾다.
She is searching for a job.
He is a searching for a good lamp.
They are searching for some plants in the mountains.
I am searching for a coffee shop.
He is searching for the map.
Would you help me search for a bookstore?
You can search for the vocabulary in the dictionary.
I am searching for the video on YouTube.
I am searching for a famous blogger.
He is searching for his pen.
문장 여러개 만들다 보면 영어 단어가 쑥쑥 외어지네요
와~ 하나님 이렇게 공부할 수 있는 지혜를 주셔서 감사합니다.
여러분들도 오늘 배운 단어로 함께 영어문장을 댓글에 적어주세요.
영어실력이 쑥쑥!
오늘도 축복이 가득한 하루 보내세요^^
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23