영어 문법 강의 사이트 Khan Academy 영어단어공부
Hello! 잘 지냈나요~?
오늘 Khan Academy에서 배운 내용을 정리합니다.
오늘은 Common expressions 문제풀기입니다!
easy - medium - hard 코스까지 있는데,
오늘은 medium과 hard 난이도 문제를 풀었고, 모르는 단어 및 숙어를 정리하였습니다.
1. off the top of my head 당장 내가 생각했기에
I can't decide off the top of my head.
2. bush 풀숲
Don't go to the bush because it is very dangerous.
3. slumber 깊은잠 = deep sleep
I could not go to church because of slumber.
4. out like a light 맛이간..(정신 못차린 상태)
You should understand my friend, she is still out like a light.
5. over the hill 언덕위의
We are not over the hill yet.
6. days of old 옛날 이야기
My dad likes the stories of his day of old.
7. rainforest 정글
The Tiger is living in a rainforest.
8. on second thought 다시 생각해봤는데
On second thought, You have to read the bible every day.
9. grain 알갱이
It is a grain of salt.
10. snap 열받다, 짜증내다
Kai snapped yesterday when she could not attend the English class..
11. with a grain of salt 소금처럼 받아들여~ (그냥 흘려들어~)
Whenever you do anything, take it with a grain of salt.
12. in and of itself 그대로 좋다.
I like the house in and itself.
13. an off night 쉬는날
It was an off night..
14. by a mile 놓치다.
He missed his goal by a mile.
15. on the one hand 다른것으로는
On the one hand, the park is beautiful. On the other hand, it brings too many people.
16. pond 연못
Many fishes live in the pond.
17. killing two birds with one stone 일석이조
I can post some writing and earn some money on my blog. it is killing two birds with one stone.
18. fail 실패
I did not fail.
19. show up 나타나다. 가다
Mai showed up on TV show program.
20. without fail 실패없이
Without fail, She cooked deliciously.
21. setback 실패
We can learn a lot of things through setbacks in our life.
22. impressive 놀라운
When I attend worship at church, I was impressed by the sermon.
23. by and large 대체적으로 (=generally)
By and large, there are many customers in the market every morning.
24. leftover 남은음식
I brought leftover bread.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23