Give Thanks

Give Thanks [2018/03/10]

시니냥 2018. 3. 19. 11:05

Thank You God for the soap lesson.

I made soap. It was interesting.

Thank You for my talent.

Thank You Jesus for the cafe.

The coffee was delicious, and the cafe was very quiet.

I am thankful for a good time.

Thank You Father for shopping.

I bought spring clothes.

[영어표현] I can't help but~ 나는 ~하지 않을 수가 없어

[영어표현] ~하기 쉬워 It's easy to~

[실전영어] 엔구전화영어, 사진보며 영어표현하기

Above all else, guard your heart,

for everything you do flows from it.

proverbs 4: 23