AirBNB 관련 ESL 수업을 했어요.
오늘 배운 단어는 ?!
tenant 거주자
intrude 침입하다.
squatter 불법거주자
evict 쫒아내다
debatable 논란의 여지가 있는/이론의 여지가 있는
double dip 더블 딥, 급여외 다른 수입을 얻다.
legal 법률과 관련된/합법적인,법이 허용하는
argument 논의/주장
오늘 배운 단어와 스크립트를 읽고 몇 문장으로 요약했어요.
문장 만들기 해볼까요 ?
Do you know Airbnb?
Nowadays, many people use Airbnb website when they go abroad, and they can book the room of the house or the whole house which they want to stay.
Using Airbnb is safe because there is no one tenant and no one to intrudes my room. Sometimes there is a squatter in the house, so they are evicted from the house owner.
According to the news, the government provided low-income apartment to stay, but they used the house to earn some money through Airbnb. So it is a very debatable issue because it is a double dip. They have to comply with the legal system.
열심히 문장 만들고 나니까 뿌듯함이 캬하~
여러분들도 오늘 배운 단어로 댓글에 함께 영작해 봅시다^^
[실전영어] ESL 영어공부 stay-at-home mom
[영어문법] either or vs neither nor 차이점
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23
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