Fun Fun Talk
[실전영어]Peppa Pig Season2 애니 영어공부
2018. 2. 20. 07:00
Hello! 안녕하세요~
오늘은 Peppa Pig Season2 애니를 봤어요.
오늘 모르는 단어 공부 함께 공부해볼까요?
detector 탐지기
This is a metal detector.
The detector is very useful.
My friend bought a metal detector.
Can I see this detector?
He doesn't use the metal detector yet.
dig up 파내다
I dig up the sand to find treasure.
She digs up the grave.
They dig up the road.
I dig up the information.
He dug up the secret.
rusty 녹슨
The metal is rusty.
These bicycles are rusty.
The door was very rusty.
There are rusty bowls.
drift away from ~에서 떠내려가 버리다. 표류하다.
The boat is drifting away from us.
I drifted away from the house.
They are drifting away from the town.
stuck (~에 빠져) 움직일 수 없는(꼼짝못하는)
We are stuck on the island.
I am stuck at my house.
I am still stuck in the bed.
castaway 조난자
I am a castaway.
We should find missing castaways.
예문 만들기 재미있지요.
저도 많이 부족하지만 앞으로 더 열심히 하려구요.
오늘도 축복이 가득한 하루 보내세요~
[영어공부] 영어공부 독학하기, ESL 영어공부 무료사이트
[영어표현] 너 00 좋아하니? Do you like~?
Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
proverbs 4: 23